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Acrylic on canvas (plus googly eyes!)

Pair of canvases designed to be hung side by side (or you can split them up if you want!)

(25 x 30 cm / 10 X 12 in per canvas)

Painted by Youngest Sonshine Artist, at age 6.


This fabulously funky piece was SO much fun to watch him create! We had recently made symmetry paintings by dabbing thick paint onto one side of a sheet or paper and folding and pressing it over to reveal a unique mirrored image. We did the classic butterfly shape then a house and some more obscure ones then just started playing around with abstract shapes. A few days later Tristan wanted to try it on these canvasses, so we did! He dotted the paint on and pressed one canvas into another (with my help for alignment) and covered the canvasses in this way. A couple of days later when they were dry we looked at them and started to chat about what shapes we could see in the paint. He began by saying he could see a bird (the yellow-headed parrot at the top) and went around to find a few more, so I asked if he'd like to add some googly eyes and draw on some more features and he was very excited to do that! It was such a brilliant process of organic and curious creativity - such a happy memory. 


These images have been ordered twice as prints for customers to put up their children/grandchildren's bedrooms but the originals are still available.


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